Tag Archives: fishing report
Fishing Report June, 2017 – Click for Details

Here is the fishing report for June of 2017. Fishing the Galveston jetties right now is very good. Trout are cooperating, Redfish are cooperating, sharks are showing up, lots of feeding of all kind of fish going on. The only thing that messes things up from time to time is the weather. The most important thing you’re going to get from me is the truth. I’m not not going to take people out there unless I’m confident that I can provide effective results. Fishing to me is very special, going to do my best to keep it that way. After all !! Its all God’s work.
Call today to book your guided fishing trip and get the date you want. Dates are starting to fill up for June &
July already so hurry up!
Tight Lines !!!!
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report Sept., 2016 – Click for Details

Fishing Galveston right now is pretty good. The water is clean all the way to the beach and lots of bait is running around which makes for great fishing. Catching lots of speckled trout and red fish when the weather lets you get out there. There’s also some real good shark fishing going on right now which is also determined by Mother Nature and calm seas.
Give me a call now to book your trip! Call: Call (281) 221-3461
Tight lines!
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report June, 2016 – Click for Details

Here is the fishing report for June, 2016- Fishing is good right now with lots of feeding activity on both jetties. We have been steadily catching speckled trout and redfish on most of our trips right now.
Call today to book your guided fishing trip and get the date you want. Dates are starting to fill up June and July already so hurry up! Tight lines…
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report Jan., 2016 – Click for Details

Some good signs showing up at the jetties now and we’re starting to catch some sheepshead and some black drum, to us that are out there all the time those are good signs. Usually when the blacks show up the speckled trout fishing gets better, to us that’s really good. It’s always good to have more options as to what a fishing day might bring. We were already able to usually come up with some good catches of bull reds and slot reds. The most important thing to hope for right now is good weather, Mother Nature is the real boss on the water. Another way to view this thing called fishing is that, it’s all Gods work!
Contact me today to book your fishing trip while dates are available.
Tight lines!
Capt. Sammy
Fishing Report Oct. 2015 – Click for Details

Hi There fishing fans!
Fishing lately is all based on what Mother Nature allows to happen. Bull reds, slot reds, black drum, gaff top, and occasionally God will bless us with some speckled trout. That’s what’s been going on at the jetties. All that has to happen for the flounder to get started is for the water temp to go down just a little bit more.
Call today to book your guided fishing trip and get the date you want. Dates are starting to fill up for November & December already so hurry up! Tight lines…
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report Sept. 2015 – Click for Details

Here is the fishing report for Sept. and into early Oct.: When the wind isn’t kicking up, the trout and slot reds have been really tearing us up. When the wind comes up, the smaller fish stop biting, but good numbers of shark and large Bull Redfish are being caught. Speckled Trout are still in good numbers as are Redfish. Still catching lots of Shark offshore and some at the jetty and the Tarpon are showing up off the beaches when weather permits and water conditions are favorable. Catches have been excellent and continue to improve.
Call today to book your guided fishing trip and get the date you want. Dates are starting to fill up for October & November already so hurry up! Tight lines…
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report July 2015 – Click for Details

Here is the fishing report for July – after having some slow days due to water conditions kicked up by a Westerly wind, the water and fishing is back to being real good again! Speckled Trout are in good numbers as are Redfish. Still have lots of Shark offshore and the Tarpon are showing up off the beaches. Catches have been excellent and continue to improve.
Call today to book your guided fishing trip and get the date you want. Dates are starting to fill up for August & September already so hurry up! Tight lines…
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report June 2015 – Click for Details

Fishing is getting better and better as the water warms up! Speckled Trout are in good numbers as are Redfish. Lots of Shark off shore and Tarpon are starting to show up off the beaches. Catches have been excellent and only improving.
Call today to book your guided fishing trip and get the date you want. Dates are starting to fill up for July and August already so hurry up! Tight lines…
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report May 2015 – Click for Details

Fishing has really started getting good ! Speckled trout are there in good numbers and we are catching them in the 5-6# class. The Redfish are cooperating as usual with good numbers in the slot as well as over-sized. Shark and tarpon have showed and bait is all over the beach fronts. So call soon and book a trip things are getting better and better everyday.
Thanks for looking !!!!
Call now to book your fishing trip and get the date you want. Dates are starting to fill up for July already! Tight lines…
Capt. Sammy Flores
Fishing Report March 2015 – Click for Details

Swarms of jack fish, cow nose Rays, Spanish mackerel, and millions of glass minnows tells us the water temp is there. Fishing from this point on just keeps getting better. Starting to catch black tips, bonnet head and nurse sharks on the jetties, just another thing to verify that feeding on the jetties is now. So hurry and book your trip so you can get in on some of this adrenalin filled fish fighting.
Tight Lines!
Capt. Sammy Flores